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  • 3/6/2025 1:00 PM CST
  • 3/6/2025 2:00 PM CST
An everyday challenge in the workplace is the balancing act of reducing hazardous noise while keeping important environmental sounds present.  Some tips on how to keep workers hearing on the job and for future years will be introduced by discussing three related concepts: audibility, attenuation, and advocacy. Explore the amazing auditory system and the importance of maintaining audibility. Learn how hearing protectors attenuate sound and some benefits of assessing personal attenuation ratings. Consider ways to advocate for hearing as an essential aspect of worker health and safety and discover technologies that help take the work out of hearing.

Learning objectives:
  1. Attenuation: differentiate between the Noise Reduction Rating and the Personal Attenuation Rating
  2. Audibility: Describe one strategy to help achieve audibility while using hearing protection
  3. Advocate: Name one reason to advocate for hearing loss prevention programs.
Speakers: Laurie Wells, 3M

This AFS Members Only Webinar will begin at 1 p.m. CST.