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  • 6/4/2020 1:00 PM CDT
  • 6/4/2020 2:00 PM CDT
The use of tellurium coatings in the foundry has long been approached with significant, and justified, caution. Tellurium coatings, if used correctly, can be another tool in the foundryman’s toolbox to eliminate shrinkage defects in iron castings. If use incorrectly, tellurium coatings can drastically reduce machinability, have unintended effects in unanticipated areas, and can impact an entire plant if storage is not managed properly. This presentation discusses Dalton Foundry’s experience and lessons learned from the use and management of tellurium coatings. Dalton has effectively used tellurium coatings on a variety of gray iron castings to eliminate shrinkage defects when gating or risering is not possible.

This AFS Members Only Webinar will begin at 1 p.m. CT.