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  • 4/9/2020 1:00 PM CDT
  • 4/9/2020 2:00 PM CDT
The goal of the research work was to explore the feasibility using phenolic urethane as a transparent fluid material to investigate air entrainment mechanism.   Use of the phenolic urethane cold box (PUCB) binder system allowed the liquid combined resin to develop viscosity properties within the range of viscous liquid and permitted a thin, solid film to form on the surface without completely catalyzing the resin.  Through the observational tests, it was found that the amine and the binder solution react quickly to create thin films. Other observational tests explored the film’s elasticity and mechanical characteristics for various resin and dilution ratios.  Physical property tests showed that the formulation of the films can be altered to affect the strength and flexibility of the films.  This could allow for the customization of the fluid and film to mimic a metal and oxide of choice.