Foundry Approaches to Control the Heat Exposure of Workers (Download)
Product No: EC2200DL; ISBN 978-0-87433-478-481-4; Download; 81 pages
"Foundry Approaches to Control the Heat Exposure of Workers?is a report generated by the AFS Safety & Health Committee. The guidance in this report provides direction for foundries to successfully prevent and manage heat-related illness during hot seasonal weather and otherwise hot situations that can cause heat stress. The report includes descriptions of programs that some foundries are employing and which they have found to be successful in protecting workers from heat-related illness. This report was also used by the AFS Safety and Health Committee in authoring ASTM Standard E3279 ? 21, Standard Guide for Managing Heat Stress and Heat Strain in Foundries, which was published in May 2021. The Committee encourages foundries to follow the ASTM Standard and offers this report download free to AFS members as an additional resource.
Keywords: environmental, health, safety, heat stress