AFS Transactions 2021 Volume 129
List Price $600.00
Member Price $450.00
Corporate Member Price $300.00
Product No. TX2021; ISBN: 978-0-87433-478-4; hardbound; 435 pages
The capstone of the year’s metalcasting research, the 2021 Transactions of the American Foundry Society includes technical papers encompassing a wide range of metalcasting technology. These papers cover the latest metalcasting research, process and equipment developments, and foundry best-practice case studies. All papers are approved for inclusion in AFS Transactions after a rigorous peer-review process to ensure only original work of the highest quality is included. AFS Transactions has been published annually since 1896.
This volume of AFS Transactions includes 37 technical papers presented at the 125th Metalcasting Congress in April 2021 covering topics such as:
- Additive Manufacturing
- Aluminum & Light Metals
- Cast Iron
- Copper
- Engineering
- Lost Foam
- Molding Methods & Materials
- Steel